Thursday, June 20, 2013

What is Marijuana?

Marijuana  is a mind-altering drug which ranks as the most popular illegal drug used in the U.S. It is a mix of dried flowers, leaves and stems from the hemp plant Cannabis sativa.

What Does Marijuana Look Like?

Marijuana looks likes a mixture of dried leaves,sticks and flowers. It can range in color from green to brown.
How Is It Taken?

The most common way to take Marijuana is to smoke it. Users will roll it into a cigarette "joint," put into an emptied cigar casing "blunts" and smoke it in a pipe or a water-pipe "bong." It can also be baked into food and eaten or mixed in tea.

Who Uses Marijuana?

It is the most common illegal drug used in the U.S. At least one-third of Americans have used marijuana seeds sometime in their lives.

What Are the Effects of Marijuana?

People smoke marijuana because it elevates their mood and relaxes them.

Friday, June 14, 2013

World of Seeds Recommande

World of Seeds salut et donne la bienvenue a tous ceux qui décident de partager les désirs et inquiétudes de la communauté scientifique actuel  mais aussi a ceux qui donnent raison au traitement du cannabis, non seulement d’un point de vue scientifique , mais aussi une façon de voir la culture cannabique comme une religion et philosophie qui essaie de reflété les dessein de notremère nature.


World of Seeds offre différents types de graines de cannabis et offre la possibilité de commander tous les produits via e-mail dans le cas de ne pas apparaître dans le site web, et focalisant nos efforts a la génétique cannabique laquelle se présente par multiples banques.

Monday, June 10, 2013





Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Semillas de marihuana nuevo Catálogo 2013

World of Seeds tiene un nuevo catálogo en línea para el año 2013. Se muestran aquí sus diferentes colecciones de cepas de semillas de marihuana, como el autofloreciente colección como afghan kush ryder, Pakistan ryder, sugar mango ryder y el etc., la colección médica que son afghan kush skunk, afghan kush yumbolt, mazar x white rhino y que mas, la colección de leyenda como new york 47, chronic haze, mazar kush, la colección de origen puro como Kilimanjaro, Colombian gold, ketama y el regulares. Algunas de las semillas de cannabis en este catálogo son nuevos. Haga clic aquí para ver el nuevo catálogo. World of seeds se fundo para contribuir a la sociedad con nuestra particular forma de entender el uso juicioso de la cannabis como medicina, haciendo énfasis en su uso ya existentes como antiemético y analgésico en medicina paliativa y sus posibles aplicaciones en el futuro como un poderoso antioxidante y agente antiespasmódico.

Monday, June 3, 2013


Cannabis samen in Spain - Worldofseeds is a international bank and distributor. We offer the best marijuana and cannabis seeds online around the world with a great price and discreet shipment.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Vorteile von Cannabis Samen

Cannabis für medizinische Zwecke verwendet. Traditionelle Ärzte nutzen wilde Cannabispflanzen zu Heilzwecken. Konten der traditionellen Heilung Spur zurück zu Cannabis Pflanzenextrakte werden in Öl Form als Salbe verwendet werden gemacht. Salbe aus Cannabis Pflanzenextrakt ist ganz natürlich und entspannend bei äußerlicher Anwendung. Derzeit sind einige Pharmafirmen Prozess Cannabis Pflanzenextrakte und zusätzliche Gewürze für mehr therapeutische Wirkung. Öl-Extrakte sind wirksam als Massageöl für leichte bis schwere Körper Schmerzen eingesetzt werden. Verarbeitete Samen und Cannabis-Pflanzen werden verarbeitet, um Nahrungsergänzungsmittel produzieren. Cannabis Samen entdeckt, gesunde Fettsäuren, reich an Eiweiß und andere Vitamine und Nährstoffe enthalten.

Aufgrund der negativen Wirkung von Marihuana war es dann verallgemeinert, dass alle Cannabis samen verboten werden sollte und als illegale Drogen zu kennzeichnen. Cannabis Samen oder semillas Cannabis kann in einer Vielzahl von medizinischen Problemen nützlich. Da Cannabis samen auf eine Menge von Ländern verboten ist, wird es schwierig sein, den Zugriff auf und profitieren Sie von seiner heilenden Wunder.

In der Regel gibt es positive und negative Auswirkungen. Es sollte der Verantwortung des Benutzers, wie er behandelt wie potenzielle Medikamente, dass es nicht produzieren könnte einen negativen Ausgang von ihm eher positiv sein. Control ist der Schlüssel zu schätzen den wahren Wert von Cannabis-Samen. Klicken Sie hier für weitere Details

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Des traces de consommation de cannabis peut être datée à des centaines d'années dans le passé. Avant la pénicilline et d'autres médicaments pour soulager la douleur ont été découverts, guérisseurs traditionnels ont déjà utilisé des extraits de plantes de cannabis pour soigner le corps et musculaire douleurs. Cela est très courant sur ​​de grandes parties de l'Asie centrale et du Sud. Mais comme le temps passe sur, Le cannabis a été laissé de côté et plus tard été interdit d'usage par un fonctionnaire du gouvernement.

Le marché de la marijuana dans le concept d'aujourd'hui n'est pas aussi productive au niveau mondial par rapport au marché local en Europe. Pour les producteurs de graines de marijuana, ce serait un marché limité pour eux de vendre leurs semences de marijuana. La marijuana peut pas être vendu facilement sur ​​le marché mondial en raison de sa responsabilité en ce qui concerne la légalité fondé sur l'alimentation et le droit national de l'Autorité des drogues. L'acquisition, la vente et l'usage de la marijuana a été interdit par la National Food and Drugs Authority sur un grand nombre de pays à travers le monde, principalement les pays alliés.

L'interdiction a commencé dans les années 70 au Etats-Unis en raison de son implication sur l'exposition de comportement violent et indiscipliné sur les hippies en utilisant le chemin du retour alors. Depuis lors, États-Unis d'Amérique avec ses pays alliés a continué à s'opposer à la marijuana et tous les autres produits liés à elle d'être utilisé et vendu sous la juridiction de leur pays. Heureusement, pour les pays européens n'ont pas suffisamment réfléchi à ces comptes d'effets violents de la marijuana qui est pourquoi il est que vous pouvez acheter des graines de cannabis dans la plupart des régions d'Europe. Visitez World of Seeds.  


Des traces de consommation de cannabis peut être datée à des centaines d'années dans le passé. Avant la pénicilline et d'autres médicaments pour soulager la douleur ont été découverts, guérisseurs traditionnels ont déjà utilisé des extraits de plantes de cannabis pour soigner le corps et musculaire douleurs. Cela est très courant sur ​​de grandes parties de l'Asie centrale et du Sud. Mais comme le temps passe sur, Le cannabis a été laissé de côté et plus tard été interdit d'usage par un fonctionnaire du gouvernement.

Le marché de la marijuana dans le concept d'aujourd'hui n'est pas aussi productive au niveau mondial par rapport au marché local en Europe. Pour les producteurs de graines de marijuana, ce serait un marché limité pour eux de vendre leurs semences de marijuana. La marijuana peut pas être vendu facilement sur ​​le marché mondial en raison de sa responsabilité en ce qui concerne la légalité fondé sur l'alimentation et le droit national de l'Autorité des drogues. L'acquisition, la vente et l'usage de la marijuana a été interdit par la National Food and Drugs Authority sur un grand nombre de pays à travers le monde, principalement les pays alliés.

L'interdiction a commencé dans les années 70 au Etats-Unis en raison de son implication sur l'exposition de comportement violent et indiscipliné sur les hippies en utilisant le chemin du retour alors. Depuis lors, États-Unis d'Amérique avec ses pays alliés a continué à s'opposer à la marijuana et tous les autres produits liés à elle d'être utilisé et vendu sous la juridiction de leur pays. Heureusement, pour les pays européens n'ont pas suffisamment réfléchi à ces comptes d'effets violents de la marijuana qui est pourquoi il est que vous pouvez acheter des graines de cannabis dans la plupart des régions d'Europe. Visitez World of Seeds.  

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Saber Semillas de Marihuana

Cannabis Sativa es una variedad de semillas de marihuana, que es más popular en comparación con las otras variedades de Cannabis. Marijuana vino de esta variedad de cannabis. Los expertos médicos también descubrieron que la Cannabis Sativa es eficaz para curar las dolencias que acompañan a los pacientes sometidos a tratamiento contra el cáncer. Los pacientes con cáncer sufren dolor corporal grave, náuseas y vómitos. Plantas Sativa tienen los componentes especiales para remitiendo dolores en el cuerpo a través de la aplicación de extractos de aceite. Los componentes de la planta sativa se procesan para producir medicamentos eficaces para las náuseas y los vómitos.

Otro de los productos producidos a partir de la planta Sativa es marihuana o hierba. Weed ya se utilizó años antes con fines medicinales. La marihuana también puede provocar euforia en un individuo. Euphoria es un estado de la mente cuando una persona se siente intensa alegría y jovialidad. El consumo de marihuana puede llevar a un usuario a un estado de éxtasis si el consumo es bastante más de la dosis permitida. Fumar marihuana no es perjudicial si se toma con cautela y disciplina. Las cosas sólo va peor cuando el usuario se abruma con la sensación de marihuana ligereza le da y luego se olvida de limitarse. Weed puede provocar efectos psicoactivos en una persona que puede dar lugar a un intenso nivel de adicción.

Debido a los efectos negativos de la marihuana, fue entonces generalizada de que todo semillas de marihuana debería ser prohibido y ser etiquetado como narcóticos ilegales. Semillas de marihuana o semillas de cannabis puede ser útil en una gran cantidad de problemas médicos.  Dado que las semillas de marihuana están prohibidas en muchos países, será difícil de acceder y aprovechar sus maravillas curativas.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Choose Best Semillas De Cannabis

Choosing the best cannabis seeds is the most important decision that makes a cultivator. Although culture conditions are important for a crop to reach its full potential, that potential is determined by the genetic makeup of the plants being grown. The genes contained in the selective breeding cannabis are the key to a successful marijuana cultivation and effective.

 World of Seeds is an institution with people who are lovers of nature and science, a multicultural group immersed in various cultures and made up of expert breeders, biologists, chemists, pharmacists, and geneticists. They want to give your crop the best possible starting point by choosing best semillas de cannabis.

World of Seeds is the best way to buy cannabis seeds online. From different ends of the world, these professionals make their contribution to the advancement of science not only for cannabis as a medicine, but also with innovations on its cultivation, genetics, feeding and care. Their guide is the passion they feel for this wonderful, controversial, demonized plant species. To take a look at their website, click here.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Marley’s Love Graines de Cannabis

On certain countries, smoking of weed is allowed and considered legal. One of the popular advocates of smoking weed is the famous reggae music icon, Bob Marley. The effect of smoking weed is similar to his approach of music. Reggae is a cool and relaxing music genre that can make you dance into a slow moody rhythm. The smooth approach of this music generated from Marley’s love for smoking weed.

Just like reggae music, weed also delivers a relaxing feeling to the soul. There is this certain effect in your mind which makes you feel at ease and forget about your worries. The product of graines de cannabis was never intended to harm people’s mind rather it is discovered to soothe the mind. The only problem of consuming weed is when it is used abusively. The relaxing feeling carries away a used thinking as he puffs more he will get more relaxed. Actually, when too much intake happens the user is brought into a state of ecstasy that can further cause hallucinations.

The French term for cannabis seeds is graines de cannabis. You can buy these in online seed shops in the internet. Since marijuana is still considered as an illegal drug for a lot of countries, seed shops are not allowed to ship products on restricted places. . If you are purchasing from a restricted free country then services of online seed shops will be at your service. More details about graines de cannabis? Click here.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

World of Seed - Barney's Farm Bank

World of Seed - Barney’s Farm are a group of experienced breeders that have spent the last 30 years collecting landrace genetics as well as breeding some of the most popular cup winning strains that we’ve ever seen. Click here for more info.

World of Seeds - Know Your Marijuana Seed More

World of Seeds - Marijuana has been constantly debated on by different people if it is to be legalized or not. Many argue its medical benefits while some mostly focus on its adverse and addictive effects. Why do people argue about its function? Click here for more details.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sativa Semillas de Cannabis

Long before, cannabis by products were already utilized for industrial purposes such as fiber from hemp, cannabis seeds and seed oils for medicinal treatments and as a recreational drug for most cases. Experts made ways to lessen the THC content of cannabis which is said to be responsible for the psychoactive effects. The culprit behind these psychoactive effects is Marijuana which comes from the Sativa variety. Cannabis Sativa is known to possess higher THC level as compared to other varieties.

Cannabis samen in German, Graines de cannabis in French, and Semillas de cannabis in Spanish whichever way it is called, the name cannabis will still rise through the occasion. Cannabis sativa is used as a daytime drug by some experts due to its high effect on the user. The popular product from marijuana contains high levels of THC that produces psychoactive effect on its user. Sativa usage is not intended to harm or introduce a new narcotic drug.

To obtain information about their products, watch this video tour of World of Seeds, click here.

Food and Drugs Administration has already acknowledged the medical capacity of sativa to cure ailments such as glaucoma, nausea and vomiting in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, neuropathic pain, muscular pain, recreational pill. But even so, they still haven’t agreed on making Marijuana a legal drug. Even the number of positive reviews claiming the medicinal effect of semillas de cannabis, they still control its production from passing thru. Click here for more details. 

Monday, April 15, 2013


Cannabis is a recreational drug used many to relax stressed body muscles. Though many debates that cannabis is used for medicinal purpose which is also true, we cannot definitely hide the fact that people usually use it for recreational purposes only.

Users usually buy cannabis seeds to be used as an alternative for smoking tobacco. Well in fact some studies shows that smoking weed is better than tobacco because toxicity level and addictive effect of cannabis is way below than nicotine from smoking tobacco. Cannabis is also ranked last from a list of addictive vices which includes smoking, coffee, alcohol, cocaine and heroin.

Marijuana is the most common by product of cannabis. Marijuana is dried leaves and flower of cannabis sativa which are packed into cigarette like sticks called joints. A joint is smoked just like a normal cigarette but without the use of any filter.

Psychoactive Results
Short term effects of hot and cold sensation of the skin.
Short term memory loss
Less mind and body coordination
Lowers the rotor skills and increase heart rate. Though it has a relaxing effect on the users’ body which is why it is used as a recreational drug.
Intimate and extreme feelings

Aggressive behavior
Unexplainable sense of self pity - Causes for the large intakes of Marijuana user. Sometimes it may lead to addiction.

Marijuana or Cannabis has its share of medicinal help and as well as psychological adverse effects. It depends on the method of using it. For people wanting to buy cannabis seeds it presents a certain number of usages that are of use aside from smoking weed.

When you buy cannabis seeds or Kaufen cannabis samen in German, you better make sure that you are dealing with a reliable seller with relative documents that show its legality to do service. To visit their website click here.
cannabis samen, psychoactive, results, uses, world of seeds.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tips for Safety Buying Cannabis Online

World of Seeds is simply the most reliable website, they are the very friendly and here is the most exciting way to buy your marijuana seeds. Achat graines de Cannabis or buying your cannabis seeds online is not allowed in all countries. This is very important for you to check their laws first before proceeding.

These tips will help you on buying your cannabis and will help you to have safe transaction. These are ways that can help you to protect your privacy. World of Seeds offer the quality resources to make a safety selection, ordering, & discreet delivery a reality.

- Use a business credit card with a business address when ordering online. It gets delivered with minimum risks to anyone. All firms have discreet CC billing information for their convenience.

-Credit card Information has become much more secure online. Use a Pre-paid Visa card, Postal Money Order or PayPal (if offered).

-Shipping to a real name at the address is also the key. The mailman knows whether someone lives at an address or not. Use some initials in the address if you feel better about privacy. Make it deliverable. Deliveries are very stealth. P.O. Box, etc.

-Always use a public email address on your ordering information. Your emails are saved somewhere.

-Be Patient, many international shipments take longer than most people are used to. Give it some time before you start calling the vendor and complaining. Remember what you're ordering here.

-Buy Seeds through for safe, secure, discreet, stealth and timely shipping. 

In World of Seeds website, you can buy as a registered user or prompt. Visit their website to know more about the information on the duration and the kick-off or check out their rates.  

Thursday, March 21, 2013


World of Seeds bank offers affordable and cheap cannabis seeds that you can buy or order online. They have the best and high quality cannabis strains collections. Visit their website to view their interesting collections.

 AUTOFLOWERING - This collection has been selected amount most precious varieties and they crossbred them with ruderalis genetics, enriching it with auto flowering gen to offer an auto flowering line of high psicoactivity levels. These varieties can be grown in any year season as they do not respond to photoperiod.

 LEGEND - In this collection, World of Seeds has selected those varieties that, along the time, they made history in the world of cannabis, causing an impact within the cannabis community, due to their features such as appearance, fragrance, flavour, brain effects and others. They offer their special tribute to all those varieties that will remain their memory as mythical and irreplaceable varieties

 PURE ORIGIN – This is one of the collections that have taken their most time, work and personal efforts. obliged to travel through the five continents in search of the most interesting indigenous genetics. Therefore they can offer you, without almost having to leave home, premium and exclusive seeds.

SPECIAL - World of seeds present the Special Collections. Excellent cannabis seeds online (Indica and Sativa Collections) these collections are specially designed to give you a set of fabulous varieties at a great price. Each variety is individually packaged.

DIAMOND - The Diamond Collection has been developed, thinking of the most demanding and experienced cannabis users, a line of seeds that might be called. A selection of crossed among each other to obtain, in their opinion, a very interesting and unique crossbreds

MEDICAL - As a respond to the needs of a large number of people in the society who suffer from severe diseases that involve terrible pains, and are forced to use aggressive medical treatments, World of Seeds has developed a collection specially aimed at those persons and their needs. Therefore they offer seeds giving plants of high CBD and CBN contents.

When you buy cannabis seeds or Lorsque vous vente de graines de cannabis in French, you have to know the regulations and laws relating to cannabis seeds trade tend to differ from country to country.

Monday, March 4, 2013

World of Seeds is…

An Institution formed by a group of people passionate about nature and sciences. They are formed of people from different culture and they count on expert growers, biologists, chemists, pharmacists, and geneticists from around the world bring their knowledge and develop scientific cannabis as medicine but also all Regarding its forms planting, genetics, nutrition, and care. All this sums up our great passion for this wonderful and controversial plant species.

An international bank and distributor,
they offer the possibility to order all products via their website  and via e-mail in case of not appearing in the website.

Their objective is to contribute to society with their particular way of rational use of cannabis as a medicine, emphasizing its former applications as anti-emetic and analgesic in palliative medicine and its possible future applications as a powerful agent Rust and antispasmodic, in addition they mentioned risks generated by such plant uses and abuses.

They  welcome  all those who decide to share the desires and concerns of the current scientific community and also to those who give due treatment of cannabis, not only from a scientific point of view, but also the way they see cannabis culture as a religion and philosophy reflected trying to plan their mother nature.

Their seed banks have variety of collections such as auto flowering collection, legend collection, pure origin collection, special collection, diamond collection, medical collection, and pure origin graines normal collection. They have also 34 varieties of banks. So you have many choices!

When deciding to acheter des graines de cannabis or buy your cannabis seed, choosing the best is the most important decision. You will receive your request within 48 hours, since the release of the products from their store. 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

World of Seeds is…

An Institution formed by a group of people passionate about nature and sciences. They are formed of people from different culture and they count on expert growers, biologists, chemists, pharmacists, and geneticists from around the world bring their knowledge and develop scientific cannabis as medicine but also all Regarding its forms planting, genetics, nutrition, and care. All this sums up our great passion for this wonderful and controversial plant species.

An international bank and distributor,
they offer the possibility to order all products via their website  and via e-mail in case of not appearing in the website.

Their objective is to contribute to society with their particular way of rational use of cannabis as a medicine, emphasizing its former applications as anti-emetic and analgesic in palliative medicine and its possible future applications as a powerful agent Rust and antispasmodic, in addition they mentioned risks generated by such plant uses and abuses.

They  welcome  all those who decide to share the desires and concerns of the current scientific community and also to those who give due treatment of cannabis, not only from a scientific point of view, but also the way they see cannabis culture as a religion and philosophy reflected trying to plan their mother nature.
Their seed banks have variety of collections such as auto flowering collection, legend collection, pure origin collection, special collection, diamond collection, medical collection, and pure origin graines normal collection. They have also 34 varieties of banks. So you have many choices!

When deciding to acheter des graines de cannabis or buy your cannabis seed, choosing the best is the most important decision. You will receive your request within 48 hours, since the release of the products from their store. 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sure Can Cook Cannabis Plants?

Yes you can do-it-yourself a recipes for you and for those people. Graines de Cannabis are can use as ingredients in cooking food. Here’s recipe for hot pot chocolate.

Cannabis Recipes #1 : Hot Pot Chocolate

Note: Weed strength varies and there is no “standard” so quantities may not be given or be approximate. Please use your own judgement when measuring based on your knowledge of the weed you’re using.

Read more

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

History of Cannabis Indica

The ancestors of Cannabis originated in Asia, possibly in the Himalayan slopes kinder or north of the Altai Mountains. The exact origin, obscured by the great migrations of the Stone Age who crossed the continent, is not known.
It is not known when the Cannabis and humanity first met. Given the growth habit of the plant and the curiosity of mankind, such a meeting was inevitable. In the plant world, Cannabis is a colonizer. Set your new territory when running water or seed-eating animals carry their seeds to clear fertile land open to the sun. The fertile land, free of competing plants, is rare and short lived in nature, often commonly caused by disasters such as floods or landslides. The natural spread is slow and plants tend to grow in dense clusters to propagate seeds from its branches. the origin of the cultivation of hemp refers to China. The first remains of the fiber (datable to 4000 BC) have been found there, a millennium later in Turkestan (Afghanistan). A Chinese medical treatise, written in the first century, on materials that say go back to the legendary Shen Nung, written 30 centuries before, says that “taken in excess hemp does see monsters, but if used long can communicate with spirits and lighten the body. “Immemorial is also the hemp in India. The Atharva Veda considers that the plant broke out when they fell from the sky drops of ambrosia. The Brahmanical tradition believes that streamlines the mind, giving long life and enhanced sexual desires. Also the main branches of Buddhism held its virtues for meditation. In medical applications, the plant was part of treatments for ophthalmia, fever, insomnia, dry cough and dysentery. (To read more about history of cannabis indica)

Sunday, February 10, 2013